Directions to Our School

405 8TH AVE SW PH. 701-751-6506

SCHOOL HOURS 8:25-3:00


Kindergarten and 1st grade dismissed at 2:58

2nd - 5th grade dismissed at 3:00

Mr. Radke, Principal

Student Planner

Please review your child's student planner everynight. The planner is a form of communication between parents and teachers.

Parent Involvement

Research has strongly linked the correlation between parental involvement and student academic success. Mary Stark Elementary School values and promotes parental involvement.

School Information

Welcome to the Mary Stark Elementary School Website! Our district mission is to empower all students to develop skills for life-long learning and responsible decision making to contribute to a global society.

In the elementary, we also have added our own set of internal Core Beliefs for Mary Stark Elementary School.

The following list of core beliefs outlines for the professional actions and attitudes of all staff members in this school. •We believe that every attempt should be made to maintain the dignity of both the adult and the student. •We believe that students should be guided and expected to solve the problems they create without making problems for anyone else. •We believe that students should be given the opportunity to make decisions and live with the results, whether the consequences are good or bad. •We believe that students should have the opportunity to tell their side of the story (due process hearing) when consequences appear to be unfair. •We believe that it is best if a student does most of the thinking.

Our school day is from 8:30 A.M. to 3:00 P.M.

We have two sections of each classroom in grades Kindergarten through 5th grade. We also have an Early Special Education Unit program which serves four and five-year-olds.

Title I

6 months ago

Mary Stark Elementary School is currently operating as a schoolwide Title 1 school. The Title I schoolwide program has allowed us to serve all students in the areas of reading and math. Our method of delivery is pullout.

All schools must ensure that services provided by Title I personnel, regardless of the model of delivery used, are supplemental. Title I services are supplemental in terms of greater instructional intensity and opportunity to learn. The State Title I office does not endorse one instructional delivery method over another. The primary responsibility for the choice of instructional models is at the school building level. The Mandan Public Schools provides pullout, in-class, and extended year programs. These methods are chosen by the principal and Title I staff. Each school chooses the most effective method for their students. 

Mary Stark's top priority is providing the best education possible in a nurturing environment for all students. In pursuit of this priority we continue to emphasize these areas:

High achievement in basic skills

Excellent school climate, including attendance, and discipline

Instructional leadership

Parent involvement

We want parents and guardians of our students, like the students themselves, to feel at home at Mary Stark. It is important that our students feel proud of who they are and believe they can accomplish anything they desire. The staff at Mary Stark wants the students to embrace the love of learning and have academic success.

We have a strong commitment to academics, character education, technology, and leadership development. All staff members work together to ensure that each child at Mary Stark Elementary School can become successful as a citizen and student.

Click to view Strategy Map

Click to View Goals

Annual Review Meeting

Mary Stark Elementary School is required to hold an annual review meeting to review components of our Title I program such as the student selection process, professional development, the parent involvement policy, the compact, classroom teacher communication, assessment methods, service methods, curriculum, and any other items important to the operation of our Title I programs. This meeting will be conducted in the spring of the year and parents/guardians will be notified when this will take place.

Compact for Learning

Mary Stark Elementary School must develop a written school-parent compact jointly with parents for children participating in Title I activities, services, and programs. These compacts have outlined how parents, the school staff, and students will share the responsibility for improved student academic achievement and also build a school-parent partnership.

Parental Involvement

Research has strongly linked the correlation between parental involvement and student academic success. Mary Stark Elementary School values and promotes parental involvement.

Research shows that children do better in school when parents talk often with teachers and become involved in the school. There are many ways parents and teachers can communicate with each other, rather than relying on the scheduled parent-teacher conferences. Close communication between parents and teachers help the student.

Another good investment in your child's education is to volunteer. Depending upon parents' availability, interests, and the needs of the school, opportunities include: lunchroom monitor, tutoring, library aide, classroom speaker on a specific topic of interest, and concession workers at school events. 

Mary Stark Elementary School has developed a Parental Involvement Action Plan that incorporates parenting, communicating, volunteering, learning at home, decision making, and collaborating.

Staff Highly Qualified Information

Click here to view Mary Stark Parent Involvement

Click here to view Mary Stark Dashboard information